Evidence-based Breastfeeding Practices - Bond With Your Baby - Gain Clarity And Confidence

Prepare for a Confident VBAC

Uncover clear, unbiased expert guidance to navigate your VBAC options with confidence and clarity.

Live 3-Hour Session

Prepare for a Confident VBAC
You're off to a great start

You're off to a great start

You've decided VBAC is the right decision for you. You recognize the need to find unbiased expert advice. You've enlisted the support of your partner…

Where do you go from here?

Take my VBAC class!

Knowing the deck is stacked against you. My VBAC class will teach you how to navigate through the lack of support, rigid hospital policies and providers more worried about lawsuits than your autonomy.

Is VBAC really Possible?

Take my VBAC class!


Enroll in The VBAC Class

Enroll with just one click .


Attend the LIVE three hour session.

Don't worry, all of your questions will be answered.


Embrace your VBAC journey with confidence.

Apply your new insights and strategies for a successful VBAC.

Insider Secrets You Won't Get From The Hospital

Free resource

Insider Secrets You Won't Get From The Hospital

Get the inside scoop on VBAC strategies that hospitals don't usually tell you.

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What's included in The VBAC Class?

Duration: 3 hours

01. Understanding VBAC
  • Natural Breastfeeding Body/Baby adjustments
  • Where might baby sleep?
  • Safer sleep for babies while breastfeeding
  • Newborn arousal states
  • What to do if your breasts are swollen
  • Daytime sleep and slings
  • Pacifiers/Swaddling/Sleep bags
02. Informed Decision Making
  • How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk?
  • How to collect colostrum in pregnancy
  • Hand expressing breastmilk
  • What is reverse pressure softening?
  • Breastfeeding and mental health
  • Normal newborn sleep
03. Common Mistakes Parents Make Preparing for VBAC
  • How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk?
  • How to collect colostrum in pregnancy
  • Hand expressing breastmilk
  • What is reverse pressure softening?
  • Breastfeeding and mental health
  • Normal newborn sleep
04. VBAC and Your Rights
  • How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk?
  • How to collect colostrum in pregnancy
  • Hand expressing breastmilk
  • What is reverse pressure softening?
  • Breastfeeding and mental health
  • Normal newborn sleep
05. Uterine Rupture
  • How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk?
  • How to collect colostrum in pregnancy
  • Hand expressing breastmilk
  • What is reverse pressure softening?
  • Breastfeeding and mental health
  • Normal newborn sleep
06. Signs & Stages of Labor - Recap
  • How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk?
  • How to collect colostrum in pregnancy
  • Hand expressing breastmilk
  • What is reverse pressure softening?
  • Breastfeeding and mental health
  • Normal newborn sleep
07. Writing VBAC Birth Preferences
  • Importance of a Birth Plan
  • Elements of a VBAC Birth Plan (including monitoring)
  • How to Communicate Your Preferences with Your Healthcare Team
  • Examples of VBAC Birth Plans
08. Q&A Session
  • Importance of a Birth Plan
  • Elements of a VBAC Birth Plan (including monitoring)
  • How to Communicate Your Preferences with Your Healthcare Team
  • Examples of VBAC Birth Plans
Access to Support


Access to Support

You have access to support from me and our group
(11 years and growing strong!)

Office Hours

Free Monthly Office Hours (7-8pm)

Get answers to questions you don't even know to ask yet.

By the end of this Session you will…

  • Understand the pros/cons of VBAC vs a planned cesarean
  • Understand the barriers to VBAC
  • Be familiar with the medical guidelines for VBAC
  • Have the knowledge to self advocate for evidence based care
  • Feel more confident in communicating your birth preferences
  • Have stacked the odds in your favor of achieving a positive, safe, evidence based VBAC

Tune Into My Podcast

We dive deep into the real-life experiences of women navigating VBAC. These stories are crucial because they shed light on the unique challenges and triumphs faced within the healthcare system.

By hearing firsthand accounts, you'll gain invaluable insights, find solidarity, and feel empowered to advocate for your own birth choices. Join us for candid conversations, expert advice, and a supportive community dedicated to empowering every woman's VBAC journey.

  • Listen on Spotify
  • Listen on Apple Podcasts
  • Listen on Youtube
Mobile Podcasts

Catch up on these

VBAC Episodes

Give yourself the best chance for a positive, safe and empowering birth experience.

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Class Details

*Enrollment is limited

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Limited Time Offer!

Prepare for a Confident VBAC

Live 3-Hour VBAC Class
Instructor: Tracy Donegan - Midwife

Total Per Couple


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Hear What VBAC Moms Have to Say

Here’s What VBAC Mom’s Have Asked Before Clicking Enroll

Does this class come with a magic wand to make my partner understand everything about VBAC?

While I can't promise magic, I can guarantee that your partner will be fully equipped to support and advocate for you.

Will I finally get some sleep at night instead of staying up Googling 'VBAC success stories'?

Yes! With all the unbiased, expert information you'll gain, you can finally rest easy knowing you're as prepared as you can be.

Does this class come with a guarantee that I won't lose my cool when someone says, 'Why don't you just schedule another c-section?

While we can't control other's comments, you'll learn how to handle them with grace and confidence.

Will this help me decode the cryptic language of medical professionals?

Yes! You'll be fluent in "doctor speak" and ready to advocate for your VBAC preferences.

Ready to join the ranks of
empowered VBAC moms?

Let's get started!


Does having a vaginal birth after a previous cesarean seem like a dream?

My book will show you how to turn it into reality.

With cesarean rates climbing, I felt it was crucial to provide a resource that not only discusses safe practices but also shares real experiences from mothers like you. This book is a blend of personal stories, professional advice, and up-to-date research designed to guide you through planning a safe, satisfying VBAC or gentle cesarean birth.

I'm Tracy Donegan

Hey There!

I'm Tracy Donegan

I'm a midwife, author, founder of GentleBirth and FertileMind, and host of The Tracy Donegan Podcast. Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to women's wellness! Dive in and discover something new, won't you?

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