Evidence-based Breastfeeding Practices - Bond With Your Baby - Gain Clarity And Confidence

Mindful Breastfeeding

If the journey of motherhood brings you here, feeling a bit anxious about breastfeeding, know that this is exactly where you need to be!

Whether you're a first-time mom or you've faced hurdles breastfeeding before, I'm here to share all the knowledge and tools you'll need to navigate this path with ease.

Together we'll dismiss the myths and embrace your power as a breastfeeding pro. Join me, and let's start this empowering journey together.

Transform your Breastfeeding Experience
Tracy Donegan

Breastfeeding wasn't easy for me

Especially with my son Jack. This led me to explore the intersections of science, mindfulness, and maternal well-being. From this exploration, I created the Mindful Breastfeeding Program, fusing the latest research with effective, mindful techniques for emotional regulation and resilience.

These evidence-based strategies help to simplify breastfeeding, nurturing a stronger bond between you and your baby. By focusing on reducing stress and enhancing comfort, together we can transform your breastfeeding experience into one of confidence and connection.

Freebies and Resources

Feel free to help yourself

  • Free Resource

    Breastfeeding Hormones at a Glance

  • Free Resource

    Mindful breastfeeding positions guide

Open For Enrollment

Transform your breastfeeding experience

Transform your Breastfeeding Experience

If you're ready to master breastfeeding to deepen the bond between you and your baby - let's get started today!

Limited Time Offer

$49 Enroll now

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Breastfeeding Support for Every Budget

I'm tremendously honored to have a community of people who value what I do. And your support makes my work possible. For those who can't afford the price of the Mindful Breastfeeding Program simply complete the fields below to request access at a cost you can afford. Everyone deserves access to effective, evidence-based breastfeeding support, if that cost is zero, that's ok, we can still walk this journey together.


Mindful breastfeeding course content

4 Sections | 40 Lectures | 6 Hours Total Length

Module 1 - Let's Get Started
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Your Mindful Breastfeeding e-book
  • The benefits of learning meditation
  • Be gentle as you learn
  • Don't try to be mindful, just notice
  • Why mindfulness matters as a new parent
  • Confident breastfeeding relaxation exercise
  • Confident breastfeeding affirmations exercise
  • What does it mean to be present?
  • Anxiety and stress, the biggest barriers to breastfeeding success
  • Get curious
  • Strengths and resources exercise
  • Meet your monkey mind
Module 2 - A Gentle Framework for Emotion Regulation
  • Noticing the positive
  • Pillars of mindfulness
  • Mastering your mind
  • Become the nosy neighbor of your mind
  • Attack of the 'shoulds'
  • Mindfulness of the breath
  • A wandering mind is an unhappy mind
Module 3 - Mindfulness: A Journey to Body Acceptance & Appreciation
  • Mindfulness of the body
  • Body scan exercise
  • Meeting your changing body with compassion
  • Being present with your baby
  • Body kindness exercise
Module 4 - Self-Compassion Practices for New Mothers
  • How kind are you to yourself? Take the self-compassion quiz
  • Kindfulness for new parents
  • Self-compassion, an antidote to shame and self-criticism
  • What babies can teach us
  • Interview with Dr Michelle Cree, self compassion in postpartum
  • Holding emotions gently
  • Mental health for new dads
  • Postpartum rage
  • Meditation to reduce anger
  • Self-compassion meditation
  • The science of anxiety
  • Stop beating yourself up
  • Next steps
Mindful Breastfeeding Book

175 Page Guide

Mindful Breastfeeding Book

This book is designed not only as a standalone resource but also as the official textbook for the Mindful Breastfeeding course. It prepares you with the tools for mental flexibility and emotional resilience, essential for navigating early breastfeeding challenges.

Comprehensive Guide

Covers everything from starting breastfeeding to managing emotional ups and downs.

Builds Resilience

Focuses on self-compassion and mindfulness to support your mental and emotional health.

Expert Insights

Combines professional midwifery advice with practical mindfulness techniques.

9 Meditation Sessions

Mindful Breastfeeding Meditations

Each session is designed to support different aspects of your mental and emotional wellness, helping you embrace each stage with mindfulness and confidence.

Sneak Peak!

Listen to a Sample Meditation

Tune into this brief meditation to sense the peace and focused attention we nurture throughout every practice session.

Mindful Breastfeeding Meditations list on tablet
  • Mindful Breastfeeding Affirmations

    Perfect for passive listening while you drive, exercise, or rest

  • 3 Minute Meditation

    A short daily meditation practice designed for beginners

  • 5 Minutes of Mindful Breathing

    A beginner-friendly, breath-focused meditation for daily practice

  • Finding the Positive

    Aimed at cultivating a positive mindset, ideal for use 2-3 times weekly

  • Self-Compassion Meditation

    2-3 times a week to help reduce self-criticism and enhance self-acceptance

  • Body Kindness

    Use to foster appreciation and acceptance of your changing body

  • Mindful Body Scan

    Integrate into your routine 2-3 times a week during pregnancy

  • Confidence Relaxation

    Use at bedtime during pregnancy and in postpartum during rest

  • Pumping Abundance

    Available for use during postpartum, especially for moms who pump


Bonus Course Content

$97 Value

Included FREE with Mindful Breastfeeding

Unlock Essential Breastfeeding Techniques with the Bonus Course included absolutely free.

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Included Free

Over 60 Concise Video Tutorials

Here's a few of my favorite videos from the bonus course. I think you'll love how informative nd reassuring they are!

Painfree Natural Breastfeeding

Learn how to get started with pain-free, natural breastfeeding techniques

Simple Adjustments for Easy Breastfeeding

Adjustments to make breastfeeding easier and more comfortable

Using Starter Positions at Home

Transition from hospital to home: learn what's next for breastfeeding positions

Here's what you'll master:

Pain-Free Breastfeeding

Learn why breastfeeding should never be painful and how to ensure it isn't

Maximize Milk Production

Follow a 40-day blueprint to boost milk supply, crucial for long-term breastfeeding success.

Relaxed Nursing

Discover how to breastfeed restfully, balancing your rest with your baby's feeding needs

Safe and Convenient Home Setup

Get practical tips to prepare your living space to support your breastfeeding journey

Professional Help

Know when and where to seek professional help if challenges arise

Common Breastfeeding Pitfalls

Understand the typical issues that could derail breastfeeding and how to avoid them

Additional Course Resources

These interactive and printable resources cover a broad range of essential topics, providing you with practical tools and insights.

Printable Resources
  • Natural Breastfeeding Body/Baby adjustments
  • Where might baby sleep?
  • Safer sleep for babies while breastfeeding
  • Newborn arousal states
  • What to do if your breasts are swollen
  • Daytime sleep and slings
  • Pacifiers/Swaddling/Sleep bags
Interactive and Video Resources
  • How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk?
  • How to collect colostrum in pregnancy
  • Hand expressing breastmilk
  • What is reverse pressure softening?
  • Breastfeeding and mental health
  • Normal newborn sleep

Where do you go from here?


Enroll in the Mindful Breastfeeding Program, with just one click .


Get instant access to the digital course to the complete program.


Access the book, meditation sessions and additional resources immediately from within the digital course.

What Industry Leaders Say

These kind words from such respected professionals in the birth space fill me with gratitude. They've seen firsthand how Mindful Breastfeeding can make a difference, and I'm honored to share their testimonials with you.

Why opt for Mindful Breastfeeding?

For a nurturing, evidence-based approach that transforms overwhelming advice into moments of connection and success between you and your baby.

Mindful Breastfeeding

  • Confusion and doubt
  • Outdated practices
  • Complex positioning
  • Painful experiences

Mindful Breastfeeding

  • Clarity and confidence
  • Evidence-based education
  • Easy laid-back methods
  • Comfortable, pain-free nursing

Every lesson is a step toward deepening the bond between you and your baby

Frequently Asked Questions
about Mindful Breastfeeding

Access a variety of printable guides to enhance your breastfeeding experience. Gain practical insights with video tutorials and interactive guides, all designed to support your breastfeeding journey.

What is the Mindful Breastfeeding Program?

A comprehensive online breastfeeding class designed to equip mothers with essential, evidence-based techniques and effective coping skills and strategies to reduce overwhelm in those early stressful days

How long is the Mindful Breastfeeding Program?

The course is 6 hrs long.

Is Mindful Breastfeeding suitable for first-time mothers?

Absolutely! It's designed with both new and experienced mothers in mind.

What if I've faced challenges breastfeeding in the past?

Mindful Breastfeeding addresses common challenges, making it ideal for moms who've faced difficulties previously.

How does Mindful Breastfeeding differ from other courses?

While many courses focus solely on techniques and mechanics, Mindful Breastfeeding encompasses a holistic, evidenced approach, merging both mindfulness practices, compassion practices with practical techniques that make nursing less painful. Breastfeeding is not simply a nutritional activity but a relationship with your baby and your body.

How soon can I start implementing what I learn?

Immediately! The techniques, insights and practices provided are actionable from the moment you learn them.

Do I need any special equipment or materials for the course?

No, just a curious mind, a little patience and the commitment to giving your baby the best start.

How is Tracy involved in the course creation?

Tracy, with her vast experience and expertise in mindfulness and breastfeeding, has meticulously crafted the course content to ensure it is a nurturing, effective resource grounded in the most recent research in mindfulness and lactation education.

How does benefit me beyond other courses taught in most hospitals?

The complete Mindful Breastfeeding program gives moms the tools to manage not just the technical aspects of breastfeeding but the emotional rollercoaster of conflicting thoughts and emotions that can derail your journey. (Stress is one of the top reasons mom’s stop nursing before they are ready). No other breastfeeding class includes these essential skills and strategies for the mental and emotional journey of breastfeeding.

Hear What Moms Like You Have to Say

Let's Do This!

The best $49 you'll ever spend on your baby

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I'm Tracy Donegan

Hey There!

I'm Tracy Donegan

I'm a midwife, author, founder of GentleBirth and FertileMind, and host of The Tracy Donegan Podcast. Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to women's wellness! Dive in and discover something new, won't you?

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